The new ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU will apply from April 20, 2016

The new ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU(1 will apply from April 20, 2016 and at the same time will replace ATEX Directive 94/9/EC. The new Directive was published on March 29, 2014 in the Official Journal of the European Union and the full text is available here.
ATEX Directive 94/9/EC will be repealed with effect from April 20, 2016 and manufacturers must declare the conformity of their products according to the new Directive 2014/34/ EU. During the European Commission’s ATEX workshop, which was held in September 2015, it was recognized that manufacturers can declare the conformity of their products before this date as follows: − to Directive 94/9/EC, indicating the withdrawn date (up to April 19, 2016) − to Directive 2014/34/EU indicating the date of application (from April 20, 2016) − and using the new form of the EU declaration of conformity as described in Annex X of Directive 2014/34/EU ABB has initiated a process to revise all EU declarations of conformity according to Annex X by declaring compliance with both Directives as follows: “The motors covered by the declaration described above are in conformity with the relevant Union harmonization legislation: Directive 94/9/EC (until April 19, 2016) and Directive 2014/34/EU (from April 20, 2016)”
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